Singing takes a village choir, so to hum! Your singing journey is enriched when it’s shared with others who are on that same journey. That’s why I have a variety of meet-ups, showcases and workshops happening throughout the year. And if you want to drop in on the discussion any time you can do so on our Discord server, just for singers like you!

Here are a few of the ongoing events my students have access to:

  • Office Hours, every Saturday 11am-noon, free. This meet up is held virtually over Discord. We meet in a chat only channel (so you won’t be on video or on the mic - show up in pajamas!). I host either a discussion on a singing related topic or post links to vocal exercises you can do on your own synchronously. It’s a space to talk with other singers about singing and ask any singing questions you may have!

  • Student Showcase, every 2nd Saturday of the month 6-7pm, free/donation. This meet up is held on Zoom (email for link) and is an opportunity for students to share a song they’ve been working on. Grab a drink and watch the show or sing something for a super supportive group.

  • Jazz Sing-along Happy Hour, 4th Wednesday of select months, 6:30-7:30pm, $10. This is a virtual meet-up held on Discord. I’ll be playing and singing through jazz standards and some vocal improvisation exercises live and on video. You’ll join with your mic off and sing along in your own space with some instruction provided. Registration for this meet-up is on my lessons page.

I also offer various workshops for singers through Swallow Hill Music Association. Details for those workshops and how register are located on the calendar below.